Mission partners


We believe that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and that He works through His church on earth to redeem the world. We strongly believe in missional outreach, and are committed to give 10% of our income to missions outside our own church.

We are already in contact with a number of potential Mission Partners, who we be will actively supporting through:
–  Financial giving
–  Regular communication and updates to the church
–  Regular formal prayer support
–  Any other help and support we can provide

Hi Bracknell Community Church!

We would like to introduce ourselves a bit, so you know who you are praying for and are more informed about the ministry the church is giving to.

This is our wee family.

Dad Ron, Mummy Joanna, Josiah 13, Eli, 11, Phoebe Grace 5, Lilia Hope 7 months!

Ron was born and raised in the Philippines and Joanna is from Scotland and we have been serving in Manila for almost 17 years! That was not at all the plan when we came to volunteer with a school on a dumpsite for a “maximum of 6 months”. Our story is one of Gods grace, mercy and faithfulness. Truly.

God clearly called us to “Tondo rubbish dump” in Manila’s largest slum area 19 years ago.  It was more than 2 years later when God opened the door for us to come volunteer in Manila short term (we thought). To cut a long story short God by His grace used us to start a kids church. There in the stink and mud of the dump we met children who knew some bible verses and songs. When we asked them how they knew them, one child said, “Oh missionaries come here, give out bread and tell us about Jesus, but they leave when the gang riots start.” We saw God begin to touch the lives of children as we shared songs and bible stories with them. Within a few weeks there were a couple of hundred children, and we knew God was asking us to stay long term to serve the families.

Today we thank God that we have a team of 50 full time staff, part time staff and  volunteers. Way back at the start God very clearly gave us a vision to have a team of leaders who were raised from the slums to minister to their own people and own community. Over the years we have had the absolute privilege of discipling and mentoring, and we thank God that all but 3 of us from the team are from the community and leading the day to day ministries in KCM. We genuinely continue to learn from those in our team. It is there home and they have lived through things there that we have not, and we thank God for using them so powerfully in their own community.

KCM stands for Kalayaan Community Ministries. Kalayaan is the Tagalog word for freedom. We continue to see God do what only He can do to set individual and families free as they come to know Him as their personal Saviour.

 Currently KCM’s regular, long term ministries include:

  • Church planted in the heart of the Tondo community and house church in the village area of NAIC
  • discipleship and mentoring
  • Infant, children and youth work
  • education ministry for 4-14 year olds, monitoring at risk children and our of school children through small group tutorials.
  • college and university scholarship
  • food assistance for malnourished children and vulnerable seniors
  • safe home for women
  • response, rescue and trauma informed aftercare for abused children and young people
  • community clinic

Aside from leading alongside the KCM team, Ron spends part of the week serving through leading worship and running men’s groups at a Christian International school in Antipolo , where our children have part scholarships for school. We are so thankful God has given our children this unique opportunity to learn from classmates from 28 countries, as well as have good friends in Tondo. Joanna is in a season of ministering as a stay  home Mama with baby Lila and serving part time for KCM. We also run Kalye Worship throughout the year, writing and releasing original Tagalog songs for free to local churches.

KCM ministry and our family missions support is always a faith journey and a miracle really, as God touches heart of individuals and churches to partner with us for daily needs. We are so grateful that BCC are now partnering monthly for our family mission support and KCM.

Giving details on the BCC website:

Way to stay updated

-Domingos prayer page on fb where prayer requests and updates go in real time. Feel free to email us for the link. joanna@kalayaancm.org

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Just let us know you want to receive them by emailing us at info@kalayaancm.org
Website  (but it has not been updated for some time!)   